B&H Photo
Complete guide on our B&H Photo module
Last updated
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Complete guide on our B&H Photo module
Last updated
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The only support available at the time this guide was created was for guest checkout. When there is sufficient demand, we will think about implementing account support.
Monitor mode
Normal mode
What Mode do I use?
Normal mode allows you to cart and checkout any products
Monitor mode allows you to monitor any product. When the products you're monitoring come into stock, your monitor mode tasks will notify your running Normal mode tasks with the same product SKU
What does Profile mean?
Select a profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items
What type of Proxies should I use?
The best type of proxies to use for B&H Photo are ISPs
If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies
What is the Product URL and how do I get it?
What is a good QTY to use?
The safest QTY to use is 1, but some listings allow you to check out more than 1 QTY per order
What is Delay? (Normal mode only)
This is the time in milliseconds the bot will retry to checkout after it encounters an error
Recommended 1000
or less
What is Monitoring Delay? (Monitor mode only)
This is the time in milliseconds the bot will monitor the product in intervals
Recommended around 5000
What is Reset Delay?
This is the time in milliseconds the bot will restart the monitor task and monitor the product again after it has come in stock
Recommended around 5000
What is a Watch Task and should I select it?
The Watch Task option allows your checkout task (e.g., Normal mode) to work together with a Monitor mode task. Here's how it works:
If you check this box, your checkout task will not monitor for restocks directly. Instead, it will wait for a Monitor mode task (with the same SKU) to detect a restock
Once the Monitor task detects the restock, it will "ping" your running checkout (with the same SKU) tasks to ATC and checkout
When using the Watch Task option:
Start your checkout task. It will display the message: "Waiting for Monitor Ping." This means it's ready and set up correctly
When the Monitor task detects a restock, it will automatically trigger the checkout task (with the same SKU) to run
If you leave the Watch Task checkbox unchecked, the checkout task will act independently. It will monitor the SKU itself, add the item to your cart, and checkout directly
Using Watch Task is highly recommended for restocks because it allows the Monitor task to do the heavy lifting. This improves performance and helps avoid overloading the site.