Pokemon Center
Complete guide on our Pokémon Center module
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Complete guide on our Pokémon Center module
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Guest Mode
Guest Fast Mode
Monitor Mode
What Mode do I use?
Guest mode will check out items using guest checkout
Guest Fast mode will check out items faster than normal checkout flow using guest checkout
Monitor mode will allow you to monitor products from Pokémon Center and these monitor tasks will notify your Guest and/or Guest Fast mode tasks when the product comes back in stock
It's recommended to use 80% Guest Fast mode tasks and 20% Guest mode tasks
What does Profile mean?
Select a Profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items
What type of Proxies should I use?
The best type of proxies to use on Pokémon Center are residential proxies. Pokémon Center is known to ban proxies really easily. Be sure to keep an eye on your proxy usage or else you will run out
If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies
Which Region should I use?
Select your designated region or else you may have problems with ordering items off the site. US or CA
What is the URL and how do I get them?
Look for the item you want to run for. An example URL would be https://www.pokemoncenter.com/product/701-03742/dratini-sitting-cuties-plush-4-in
What is PID and how do I get it?
The Product Identifer number is usually in the product URL. The PID for this https://www.pokemoncenter.com/product/701-03742/dratini-sitting-cuties-plush-4-in would be 701-03742
Include the dash with the PID
What should I enter for Coupon?
Enter the Coupon code as normal
What Delays should I use?
Monitoring Delay: We recommend to use delays of 8000-12000 depending on the quality of your proxies
It's required to have at least one monitor task per product
Reset Delay: 5000 or less
Delay for checkout tasks: 2000 or less
What is a good QTY to use?
The safest QTY to use is 99 and the bot will fetch max qty and will cart as much as possible
The quantity is overridden by monitor tasks, meaning if you set monitor task qty 3 and guest task 10, it'll cart 3 (you can use 99 qty in that case)
If you are using monitor and guest tasks together, just set up your qty in monitor and it'll work flawlessly
If you are using just guest tasks, you need to set the correct qty in the guest task since you are not using the monitor task
What is the Watch Task? checkbox?
The Watch Task option allows your checkout task (e.g., Guest-Fast mode) to work together with a Monitor mode task. Here's how it works:
If you check this box, your checkout task will not monitor for restocks directly. Instead, it will wait for a Monitor mode task (with the same SKU) to detect a restock
Once the Monitor task detects the restock, it will "ping" the checkout (with the same SKU) task to run. The checkout task will then add the item to your cart and proceed to checkout
When using the Watch Task option:
Start your checkout task. It will display the message: "Waiting for Monitor Ping." This means it's ready and set up correctly
When the Monitor task detects a restock, it will automatically trigger the checkout task (with the same SKU) to run
If you leave the Watch Task checkbox unchecked, the checkout task will act independently. It will monitor the SKU itself, add the item to your cart, and checkout directly
Using Watch Task is highly recommended for restocks because it allows the Monitor task to do the heavy lifting. This improves performance and helps avoid overloading the site.
What is Catch All? box?
Select this box if you would like to use a Catchall email from your Stellar Settings tab
What is Endless Mode box?
When enabled, your task will constantly restart allowing you to place multiple orders
When disabled, your task will stop after one successful order is placed
What is Endless Limit?
Enter the max number of orders you want your task to place before it stops
What is Skip 3DS? Box?
When enabled, the bot will try to skip the 3DS challenge, allowing for a faster and smoother checkout. However, this may increase the risk of payment failures if the bank enforces 3DS
When disabled, the bot will proceed as normal, meaning if 3DS is required, you’ll need to manually approve the transaction through your bank’s authentication method